Now for the question; have you seen anything rare relative to Frank Miller's '300'?
This updated daily web log will focus on Frank Miller & Lynn Varley's '300'. It will contain images of unique items which may be of interest to those who are fans of the comic book series. In addition, there will be the latest news about the movie which which will be directed by Zack Snyder and which is scheduled to be released March 9, 2007.
I haven't seen anything rare, but if I do I will let you know.
My guess about the movie poster -- it will have Gerry Butler's face on it somewhere. Attract the guy audience with the story of a battle and the gals with that attractive face. Or am I making women sound too shallow? or movie makers too opportunistic? If the posters do have Butler's face, expext the demand for the posters to be high!
Greetings Pam~
I believe you are correct about Gerry Butler being on the poster in some capacity. Since GB will be portraying King Leonidas who is the focal point of Frank Miller's '300', the marketing/promotional execs will probably place him on the poster in the same context as they did with Brad Pitt in 'Troy'.
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