Without a doubt, this is my favorite page in the '300' comics where King Leonidas readies his
300 Spartans against the Persian advance by telling the Persians to 'Come and get it'. In Greek, the words were MOLON LABE, which phonetically sounds like MO-LON LA-VEH. This laconic phrase which has become synonymous with the battle of Thermopylae replicates the famous words of defiance spoken by King Leonidas of Sparta. If you ever have a chance to see
'The 300 Spartans' with Richard Egan as King Leonidas, you'll hear how it sounds. Great stuff!!!
There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that this phrase will be spoken by Gerard Butler in the '300'. I am more certain of this than the sun coming up tomorrow, that's how sure I am! The only question is, will be it be spoken in English or in the archaic Spartan dialect as in
'The 300 Spartans'.
I would be interested in what you think, Greek or English with a Scottish accent?
Hi, John
Yes I'm also very excited to hear these words spoken..and to be honest I have no preference as to which language they are spoken in as long as they are definitely in the movie..Goodness knows when we will get a release date here in Australia for 300 though, hopefully it's not too far behind the US release date. I wouldn't worry too much about the Scottish accent, Gerry is quite good at adopting different accents, but hey that's just my biased view, I've been following his career since 2001.
G'day Sherrell~
Thanks for the comment and it's always great to hear from a fellow Aussie (Adelaide).
Really, I'm about 4 hours SE of Adelaide..(Naracoorte)
Oh and very impressed to hear that there is going to be an Aussie in 300 in the form of David Wenham.
Hello once again Sherrell~
I'm an Aussie expatriate residing in the States, however, I'm still rooting for the Magpies!!!
It's great that one of the lads from 'down under' will be playing in this movie.
That's a tough question! I almost think that having them said in the native language would be too "Passion of the Christ..." I think it's fine to have Gerry shout them out in his native English-with-a-Scottish accent...hell, there's always the DVD for an alternate version!
Wouldn't it be great though! It would sort of pay homage to 'The 300 Spartans' where Richard Egan who portrayed King Leonidas speaks those exact words in Greek.
Either way, it's what those words mean that's important!
Hi John, I'm so glad you started this discussion. I am from GB.net and I have been following all the news since it was announced that Gerry Butler would be King Leonidas. I now have the graphic novel and in it molon labe is not spoken, only the english. I don't know how true to the novel the movie will be, but I understand it will be shot for panel as the book. I'm anxious to see how it will look. I would love it if Gerry could use his Scottish, but I've heard he will have to speak with an English accent which he has done before. Do you know?
Greetings Dragon Slayer~
I believe that they will have to adopt some uniformity in accents since we have the British commonwealth represented in '300'; Australia, England, Ireland Scotland & Wales. Am I forgetting anyone here? Since they're all talented actors, at the end of the day, I'm pretty certain that they'll all speak with an English accent.
G'day Cat~
I wish I was down home in Oz to watch it also.
Hi Miyuki~
I agree, I hope '300' does pay homage to the original with Gerry Butler saying it in Greek!
Greetings Miyuki~
Considering the size of the Persian army, I believe that a translator would have been available to interpret any dialogue between both armies.
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