Let's not forget the artists whose skills prepare the actor so that they appear according to the director's vision. Even the most subtle application of sweat, dirt, blood, etc. provides the realism which is needed. It is almost too easy to see the character as a 'finished product' and to forget the hundreds of hours that are spent getting the characters ready for how they will appear on camera.
I tip my hat off to the artists behind the scenes and hope that some of their magic is made available as extras on the DVD!
Hi Miyuki~
This will probably be one of the more challenging roles in '300' because Andrew Tiernan's face will be obscured by the mask/prosthetics. I can't help but think of John Hurt in 'The Elephant Man' and how he had to convey his emotions when his face was hidden.
Hi Miyuki~
The third and final day will without a doubt be the climax to the film. I am anxiously awaiting for '300' as are many others.
I bet it was very painful for Andrew Tiernan, imagine having to walk about with a hunchback and loads of prosthetics on a movie set for hours on end, never mind the hours just getting the kit on! I really liked the elephant man (the film) I think he really did express himself very well. I think that Ephilates might have actually been afflicted with same disease, or proteus syndrome, as he was so deformed and his body parts were so unequal, like a HUGE hand.
Greetins Suki-lou~
I couldn't imagine sitting in a chair for that period of time and then having to act with all that gear on.
Thanks for your comment!
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